Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Wednesday July 2

Wednesday July 2 - Hyperbaric and acupuncture.

This morning we had Physical therapy and Flynn power walked and ran for another km and lots of other stuff. Then we went out to explore the park which was lots of fun, on our way back we had to visit the massive shopping centre and get a ride in the lift.
The hyperbaric chamber looks like a little rocket and Flynn and I had to squeeze in together. We will get a photo of it tomorrow and post it. For the first 5 minutes you have to constantly equalise your ears to relieve the pressure- similar to in an plane taking off and landing, however, this is constant for 5 minutes. Flynn was a little distraught at the beginning but settled into it as he was able to watch a Thomas show on the ipad outside of the chamber.
here is Flynn in his chamber gear, we won't show any pics of Dad in his!
After the chamber Flynn had OT therapy and was kept very busy by June fo the whole hour.We heade back to our room for Flynn to have some acupuncture. Doctor Wit, from the Wit family, was an awesome Doc as he kept Flynn laughing while he put the needles in his head.He called himself Dr Mozzie because the Mozzie gives a little sting as it bites - similar tothe needle. Only five today and this will increase every session.
We took our friends Ethan and Trish, who are also from Cairns, to the shops while I got som beef and vege stir fry for my dinner.Off to bed.

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